Stay ahead of the pack
with our Free SEO Audit

Struggling to get a grip on your website’s SEO? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our quick and easy audit tool sorts everything out in less than 30 seconds. Simply enter your website’s URL, press start, and let us do the magic.

It’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s the first step towards beating the competition in the SEO game. So why wait? Get your free audit started now and see where you stand!


SEO deep dive:
The benefit of our Free Website Audit

Think of a quality SEO analysis as a thorough health check for your website. It’s much more than just a simple score or a search for broken links—it’s a detailed look into how your website really performs under the hood.

Our free website audit tool delivers exactly this: a comprehensive, 360-degree view of your site’s SEO health. Like a sharp-eyed detective fueled by a strong cup of coffee, our tool meticulously examines everything from your meta tags to the deepest corners of your site for any SEO issues. It keeps a watchful eye on each page, ensuring you receive a detailed report on your site’s SEO status.


Here’s What We Check Out

Our SEO audit isn't just a once-over.
We dig deep, offering a comprehensive check-up from the roots to the leaves of your digital presence.

SEO Score

The SEO Score from our audit tool serves as a detailed benchmark of your website's performance against competitors, covering aspects like technical setup, content quality, keyword optimisation, and backlink robustness.

This score is more than just a number—it's a diagnostic tool that identifies strengths and areas for improvement, offering a visual representation of how your site measures up in the industry.

Each component of the score provides actionable insights, guiding your optimisation efforts to enhance visibility, increase organic traffic, and drive business success.

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Custom Tips

Based on your score and site analysis, we provide personalised recommendations that are specifically crafted for your website. These recommendations are far from one-size-fits-all solutions.

Each tip is a custom tweak designed to enhance the specific elements of your site’s SEO. Whether it's adjusting your header tags for better hierarchy, optimising your images for faster load times, or refining your content for better keyword integration, these bespoke suggestions are tailored to elevate your search engine visibility and performance.

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Content Quality

What’s a website without great content? We meticulously assess the strength of your content by examining engagement metrics, such as how long visitors stay on your pages, how they interact with your content, and the bounce rates.

We also evaluate the relevance of your content to ensure it aligns with your audience's needs and search intent. SEO optimisation is key, so our tool checks for proper use of keywords, readability, and the structure of your articles.

We’re here to ensure your content isn’t just good—it’s outstanding, driving both traffic and engagement.

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Keyword Balance

Finding the right keyword balance is critical in SEO. Use too few keywords, and your visibility suffers; too many, and you risk being penalised for keyword stuffing.

Our audit tool analyses your current keyword usage and suggests adjustments to achieve optimal density. This means identifying opportunities for semantic keyword integration and advising on where to pull back or add keywords, ensuring that your content remains both relevant and penalty-free.

This strategic balance helps in improving your overall search rankings without compromising the quality of your content.

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Linking Lowdown

Internal linking is more than just a navigational tool—it's a powerful SEO strategy that helps strengthen your keyword strategies and improve site architecture. Our tool reviews your current linking structure, highlighting inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

We provide actionable advice on how to enhance these links to distribute page authority throughout your site more effectively, improve user engagement by making relevant information more accessible, and increase page views per visitor, all of which positively impact your SEO.

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Tech Tweaks

The technical foundation of your website plays a crucial role in its performance. Our SEO audit evaluates critical technical aspects like page speed, which directly affects user experience and search engine rankings.

We also look at mobile responsiveness to ensure that your site is efficiently accessible on all devices, which is increasingly important as mobile browsing prevails. Our tool checks for proper SSL implementation, crawl errors, and many other factors that could be hindering your site’s ability to rank well.

We then provide specific, actionable recommendations to rectify these issues, ensuring that your site not only looks good but performs excellently.

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Backlink Breakdown

Backlinks are essential as they act like endorsements from other sites, boosting your website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines. Our tool conducts a comprehensive analysis of your backlink profile, identifying the sources of your backlinks and evaluating their quality and relevance.

We help you understand which backlinks are benefiting your SEO and which might be damaging it. From there, we offer strategies to enhance your profile, such as targeting reputable sites for future link-building efforts and cleaning up harmful links that could lead to penalties.

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Why Wait? Get Your Free SEO Audit in Less Than 30 Seconds

Ready to leap ahead in SEO? Our audit tool is the boost your site needs and it’s completely free. In less than half a minute, you’ll gain valuable insights that can help shape your strategy and outmanoeuvre your competitors.

There’s no better time than now to start optimising.

The Go-To SEO Crew for Aussie Businesses Looking to Shine

We’re not just about audits; we’re your partners in SEO success. Our team is made up of seasoned experts who are always on the lookout for new trends and tactics to keep you ahead. Whether you’re a small startup or a well-established brand, our mission is to help you shine online.

With us, it’s not just about rankings—it’s about sustainable growth and visibility.

Let’s build your SEO rankings!


SEO is dynamic, so regular checks are essential. We recommend a thorough audit every three to six months to align with major algorithm updates and a quick review quarterly to keep on top of gradual changes. Staying proactive is key to staying on top!

Our tool leads the pack with its depth, breadth, and ease of use. It's designed to provide a detailed overview and actionable insights, all while being completely accessible to SEO newbies and veterans alike.

Absolutely! Our tool is a great starting point for DIY SEO. It gives you the insights and guidance needed to make informed decisions about your strategy. And remember, if you ever feel out of your depth, our team is just a phone call away, ready to elevate your SEO efforts.

Completely. It’s like a health check that’s all gain, no pain. Our tool performs a comprehensive analysis but interacts with your site in a non-invasive way, ensuring there’s no disruption to your ongoing operations.

None whatsoever. Our audit tool is genuinely free because we believe in helping businesses see their potential without the pressure of upfront costs. And when you’re ready to grow further, we’re here to help, without any compulsory long-term commitments.
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