Automated Bidding Strategies: Yes or No?

Automation seems like an ideal solution for many situations—it will make the task at hand more streamlined, less labour intensive and achieve an outcome faster. With too many tasks and not enough hours in a day, savvy marketers are all about efficiency and the opportunity to streamline advertising campaigns is definitely appealing. Google Ads offers automated bidding strategies designed to reduce the amount of time you need to put into managing your ad campaigns.But should you be using them?
  • Mel Gibbons

    22 January, 2019

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Set and forget

The number of automated bidding options available seems to keep growing and knowing exactly how each one works—and their benefits—can be cause for confusion. Automated bidding strategies can present as great solutions for some businesses and advertisers but it’s important to be aware of any drawbacks and understand the ins and outs of each option.

What is Automated Bidding?

Google Ads bidding strategies are designed to maximise results based on your campaign goals and are available for both search and display advertising depending on the strategy used.

Automated bid strategies are goal driven, meaning they’re optimising for a specific action such as clicks or conversions. To achieve these goals they analyse data—such as a user’s device, operating system, the time of day they are searching, demographics, and location—and learn over time, using historical performance to inform future bids.

Also Read:  8 Effective AdWords Tactics to Drive Quality Leads to Your Business

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