
Top Rated SEO Company in Perth

Home » Top Rated SEO Company in Perth Online Path offers top-quality SEO services in Perth. Current and potential online business owners understand the importance of SEO in the success of their business, or they should, at least. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which is essentially a means of optimising a website to ensure that it organically gets higher rankings in search engines results. These higher rankings will help increase your website’s visibility and have more people checking it out, potentially leading to more sales.
Let's Grow Your SEO

As SEO is so important to your online business, finding the best SEO company in Perth to work for you is important. And that is just who we are! We offer the best SEO services in Perth that will help improve your overall returns for your business. Our experts have years of experience in listening keenly and understanding your brand to provide you with the most appropriate SEO strategy for your business.

A Strategic Approach by SEO Experts in Perth

Any credible SEO consultant in Perth will tell you that search engine optimisation is not a one size fits all kind of job. As the leading SEO agency in Perth, we know this to be true, and that is why we develop unique strategies for each client. As a business owner, you may have tried to optimise your online business independently. You may have excellent and relevant content on your site, complete with relevant keywords sources from social media, but that is not enough.

What we offer is our expertise in link-building with the right partners to optimise your website. Link building involves having other websites link back to your website through hyperlinks to drive up organic traffic. We do this by primarily ensuring that your content, product, or service is so great that you get an unsolicited link, among other link-building techniques.

We also make your content available for use on other sites through a process called content syndication. Our consultants are experienced in creating backlinks to your content, thereby increasing traffic to your website. We will also update all your outbound links so they can link to the latest content on that subject. You see, search engines evaluate your site’s quality based on how current your content is, so updating links to current content will improve your ranking significantly.

The Best SEO Agency in Perth Knows What You Want

Our SEO specialists in Perth know exactly what you want for your business. Having done the hard work of developing the right product or service, building your brand, and getting the right team around you, what you need from the best SEO agency in Perth is to help you succeed online.

As an online business owner, your needs can be summarised into three main goals; higher rankings on search engines, more traffic to your website, and potentially increased rates of conversions from visitors to customers. A look at what our clients have to say will indicate that we truly know what you want, and importantly, we will help you achieve it. As a priority, we will take a close look at your specific industry and who are your biggest competitors.

We will find out how they have achieved high search engines rankings, where they have targeted their keywords, and what are their backlink strategies. These observations will be compared to your current website to see whether your content is current and relevant to your target market if you have gaps in your content, and how accessible your website is on different devices. These, among other observations, will help us decide which SEO strategies we can employ to improve your ranking, drive up your traffic, and increase your conversions.

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Are You Happy with Your SEO Company in Perth?

There are plenty of SEO companies to choose from, but you should ask yourself whether you are with the best SEO agency in Perth. To help you answer that question, here are a few qualities to look out for:


You will know if you are working with the best SEO consultant in Perth based on their pitch. If they promise you the top post on any search engine, you should probably move on. You should expect a clear, written-down strategy detailing precisely what that SEO company will do for you. The SEO consultants should also address your questions knowledgeably and simply, with a clear demonstration of previous work done for other clients. Do not settle for vague answers or inordinately high promises.

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SEO strategies are long-term, and as such, your SEO company should be in continuous communication with you. You should have extensive meetings where the SEO specialists aim to understand your brand and business goals at the initial stages. They should also give you honest feedback on the current state of your website, whether negative or positive, and what you need to improve on.

In the days and weeks that follow, the SEO company should follow up on your progress and any new issues or changes affecting your brand so they can further optimise your website. Any radio silence from your SEO company should certainly give you cause for pause.


The clearest indicator of whether you are with the right SEO company will be whether your search rankings are improving or not. Granted, SEO work is long-term, so you should not expect instant results within the first few weeks. However, if you have been working with an SEO company for over six months with no visible results, you should call for a meeting and demand an explanation.

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Search Engine Optimisation Process By Online Path

We do not offer the best Search Engine Optimisation in Perth by sheer luck. We have a proven process that we follow to ensure that your business will get your desired results.

Step 1: Listen

As every SEO specialist in Perth worth their title should know, to understand a business well, one starts by doing a lot of listening. We work with you to get a better idea of your brand, just what product or service your business offers, your business culture or vibe, and what are your short and long-term goals. This information will allow us to develop the best SEO strategy that is authentic and effective for your business.

Step 2: Look

Once we know what you want for your brand, we will look at what you have. Our consultants will look through your current website to see where you currently rank on search engines through organic searches and potential gaps you may have in your website content. We also look at how and why your competitors are succeeding. We perform keyword research to find the right set of phrases and words used by online searchers to optimise your site.

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Step 3: Optimise

Having developed a unique strategy perfect for your website, we begin by fixing your web pages’ content. The goal here is to insert the right keywords and ensure that the content is interesting to read, represents your brand, and convincingly sells your product or service. We also work on enhancing your site’s authority by acquiring high-quality backlinks that will enhance your rankings in search engines.

Step 4: Monitor

We keep track of your website and give regular reports on SEO performance. We also stay abreast of any changes in your company that could affect your brand and make necessary changes to your content. We become an integral part of your business strategy because we truly want you to succeed.

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What Makes Our SEO Services Different?

Our services are the best SEO services Perth has, and it is because we are quite different from any other local SEO in Perth. Some of our unique features include:

No Lock-In Contracts

At Online Path, you will not receive expensive, lock-in contracts. We allow you to end our services at will, with due notice, of course. So rather than trapping you through rigid contracts, we offer visible, quantifiable, and impressive results that will keep you with us voluntarily for a long while.

No Hidden Costs

Unlike other companies, you will not be surprised by any hidden costs with us. We charge a standard monthly fee that is fully explained before proceeding. This fee facilitates the implementation of your SEO strategy, and results will also be reported regularly.

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Monthly Reports

We pride ourselves on our transparency as a company. As such, you will receive regular monthly reports on how our SEO strategy is working for your website. We will indicate current rankings and the rate of organic traffic headed to your website. All this will be done in a simple, easy-to-understand language, so you are free to ask any questions and make suggestions.

Down-To-Earth Approach

A typical SEO consultant in Perth may use technical jargon to appear more knowledgeable, but we have found that approach unproductive. We value our relationship with your business, so we want you to clearly understand what we do as much as we want to understand your business. As such, we break down lofty terms into simple ones that make the whole SEO process easy for you to understand and even question.

Tested And Tried

Online Path has consistently offered quality of work that is industry recognised. Our work has been tried and proven to be of great quality, beating out many of our competitors and putting us among the leading SEO companies in Perth.

Beyond SEO

SEO is one of the services we offer here at Online Path. You could say we are a full-service digital marketing company, so you can be sure that we can sustain long-term SEO relationships and offer all the extra services your website may need.

Girls with a Laptop

Affordable SEO Services By The Leading SEO Company In Perth

Do you own a small business or a start-up, and are you wondering how you could ever afford SEO in Perth? While we are a leading local SEO, Perth still has many small businesses that need our services. Further, as a family-run business, we remember and appreciate all those partners that offered their services to us affordably. As such, we like to give back through several affordable services that these small businesses and start-ups can access, including:

Keyword Research

Keywords are an important aspect of SEO strategy. So if you are on a rather small budget, you should consider getting some keyword research done first. Our company will help you find the top words and phrases used by online searches within your product or service niche, then add these to your content to improve your rankings on search engines.

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URL Optimisation

Another way to increase your rankings on search engines is to optimise the URLs of your web pages. Each page of your website must have an optimised URL that includes a relevant keyword. This way, search engines are more likely to recognise your pages.


There are two kinds of free links that are important for your website. Firstly, we have internal links that link one page to other web pages on your website. Along with guiding your visitors to more relevant content, internal links can help search engines index your site content and potentially increase your conversion odds. Secondly, we have external links that link your web pages to other websites. These are important in adding authority to your website, but only if your external links lead to reputable and authentic sources. Our SEO company can add these links to you at an affordable rate.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a critical off-page optimisation strategy that, if done well, will increase traffic to your website and hopefully increase conversions as well. What needs to be done here is to build a social media community around your brand. Instagram and Pinterest are great platforms to start showcasing your brand and garner followers. Our company also offers digital marketing services to help with social media marketing.

Local Area SEO

Small businesses often target their local areas as their first and biggest customer base. To increase your search engines rankings within your local area, you should have a web page that gives clear and specific directions to your physical address. You should also include structured data about your location, including a picture of your business, ratings, and reviews, and other relevant data on your business.


We do not offer any kind of SEO guarantee. Any legitimate SEO company understands that offering guarantees is impossible and therefore unprofessional. Search engines rankings are by nature unstable, so guaranteeing the top spot in any search engine would be deceptive. We guarantee our best work combining all our knowledge and experience to give you the best possible rankings and increase traffic to your website.

Yes, we can. Optimising videos and other media formats for search engines is not very different from optimising websites. We use the right keywords to optimise your video title, tags, and description, and then choose the most attractive thumbnail while promoting audience interaction through visibility on as many online platforms as possible.

Based on your business, we develop several relevant topics and see how high or low their search volume is each month. We select the highest-ranking topics and develop keyword phrases that people may use when searching for those topics. We may use website analytics tools to see which keywords people are already using to land on your website and ensure that our keywords are related to your intended content.

Yes, we have in-house copywriters. Our copywriters are talented and experienced in creating compelling content for your business aimed at getting your website noticed by search engines. They are versatile and capable of writing on a wide range of subjects, so you need not worry about them misunderstanding your brand. They are also highly experienced in optimising your content for search engines guaranteeing worthwhile results from our company.

On average, it takes search engines anywhere between three and six months to rank a website. Further, it takes between six months to a year to see clear and consistent results from your SEO company. We try to keep it under a year.

Online Path is a tried, tested, and a recognised by SEO industry for delivering client results. We are a family-run business, so we like to build relationships by breaking down all the technical jargon into comprehensible words to help you truly understand what we intend to do for your website. We are flexible, so you are not locked into an expensive arrangement as with other companies. But you may not want to leave because we consistently deliver good results that are worth every cent.
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Our PPC experts understand Google Ads and all its quirks so that you can reap the benefits. They know which levers to pull to attract an in-market audience of customers searching for your products or services.

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Maximise your eCommerce potential with targeted Shopping Ads. Our approach focuses on placing your products directly in the sightline of interested buyers, boosting sales and ROI.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Help more customers find you by using tried and tested strategies to optimise your website to increase traffic, authority, keyword rankings and conversions.

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